Rules and Regulations
Players 14-18 years old will play 18 holes each tournament. Note: age cutoff is 18, as long as the golfer is eligible to participate in High School golf the fall following the SPJGT summer season.
Players 13 and under will play 9 holes.
* 18 hole players must shoot 55 or better on the front nine on most courses to qualify for the back nine (50 at Dogwood Hills)
Arrive at tournament locations and check at the table 20 minutes before your tee off time. A two stroke penalty will be assessed if you are late for your tee time. Parent Volunteers (or Adult Volunteers) are absolutely necessary and are required to volunteer for at least 50% of the number of tournaments in which their golfer participates.
Proper golf attire is required at all times at each tournament. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. The dress code prohibits short shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, denim shorts and jeans. Hats must be worn properly, collared shirts are required and must be tucked in. This is a soft spikes tour. No caddies or golf carts are permitted in SPJGT events except when ordered by a doctor. Friends or parents will not accompany players during tournament play. Failure to abide by this rule will result in disqualification of the player. Parents are permitted on the course only as a scorer for another group. Juniors will be disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct such as: throwing clubs, swearing, damaging the course, failure to replace divots, failure to repair ball marks, leaving litter on the course. NO TOBACCO is permitted on the SPJGT. Our speed of play is of greatest importance. USGA Rule #37-7 provides that players shall at all times play without undue delay. PENALTY: Two strokes or loss of hole or disqualification, at the discretion of the committee. You must keep up with the group ahead of you. Eliminate unnecessary practice swings. Always play a provisional ball if there is any doubt that the ball may be out of bounds or lost. This must be reported to your scorer and playing partners before playing the shot. The max score for all 9-hole golfers is 10 stroke limit/hole. You may not give or receive advice. (USGA Rule #9-11) A score card signed by the player and scorer and turned in with an incorrect score will be treated according to rule #18 (turning in a score lower than actually played on a hole is disqualification, while a score higher than played will stand) Be sure to check your score "hole by hole" before signing your card! Unauthorized pick-ups will disqualify the player from that tournament and suspend him/her from the next tournament. (Your scorer may authorize a "pick-up" at any time) There should only be one player on the tee at a time. Place bags off the tees, and don't take unnecessary practice swings on the tees. Also keep bags off the greens and fringe. Be considerate of your fellow competitors and play the game according to the rules. In general, USGA rules are followed except that the tournament committee has the right to modify the rules when deemed to be in the best interest of the Tour. Decisions by the committee will be final. Summer rules will be played at all private courses, and we will play winter rules at public courses. If an air horn sounds due to a weather emergency, all golfers must immediately stop play and report to the main table for instructions. We will sound one long blast on the horn. A golfer who is eligible and who qualifies to play 18 holes at a tournament must play the last nine holes or he/she will be disqualified for that tournament and receive a DNF. Any player accumulating 4 DNF, no shows or pink slips in a summer will have their membership revoked. (18 hole players are those who are 14 years of age or older) As junior golfers apply for tournaments, 9 and 18 hole players will be assigned tee times in the order applications are received. Once tee-times are filled, no late registrations will be accepted. If there are cancellations in an age group, current members may request those slots prior to a tournament by e-mailing the web site. You may check tee times on the internet at Parent volunteer assignments will also be listed on the site. There will be no tee registrations at the various tournaments. Pairings - Golfers will be placed in flights according to their average scores. Flights are not permanent until after the seventh tournament. Age groups are divided into flights according to scores: Championship, First, Second, Third, Fourth. A player may move up or down in flight as his/her scores change. Players may request to move up in age groups or flights with a note on their applications.
Ribbons will be awarded by flight to 9 hole players, and those 18 hole players requesting one. TROPHY POINTS - Trophy points will be listed on the web site and are awarded for each tournament as follows:
Trophy points begin when flights are finalized after the seventh tournament. Points are combined and divided in the event of ties. The trophies will be awarded to the top four places in each flight at the annual picnic. Players must participate in a minimum of four tournaments to qualify for a trophy. QUALIFYING SCORES - Golfers must shoot their qualifying score or below for nine holes, or they will receive a pink slip. Any golfer accumulating four pink slips throughout the season will lose their membership for the year, and must apply as a new member the following year. All female players will play from the red tees and also use the qualifying scores below.